Red Light
The color dim and bright in equal measure
Your silhouette a beguiling contrast against it
Mesmerized I stand and gawk
My mouth open and my eyes starry
I cannot keep my composure
You’re here standing in my red light
Your long beautiful hair flowing
In waves that tell a story of longevity
I’m pulled towards you by a force
Something from deep inside me that I cannot name
That old foreknowledge that tells me my search is complete
I have been given this chance in this time
To soak and bathe in your presence
To make myself yours and make you mine
This is hungry work without a promise of getting your fill
How could you ever be satisfied when your entire universe shifts
Shifts and reinvents itself to form a new world
Home, yes that is the world
You have finally come home
I let my lips touch yours and will them to show you
Show you how much you mean to me